IntroductionThe Codeine Information is the largest and most comprehensive not-for-profit source of information on use and abuse of codeine (mainly), dihydrocodeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and pholcodine on the internet. Read more... It is recommended that you use the newest available version of your browser (especially with JavaScript support) to browse this site, eg Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 6, Mozilla, WebTV, Opera 6, or newer versions of these browsers. However, this website wasn't designed for any specific browser or screen resolution. It was designed for you. Read this first!You can find out more about codeine, dihydrocodeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, pholcodine by reading the Facts. There you will learn about its history and background, medical indications, precautions, possible interactions with other drugs, routes of administration and dosage, detailed information on its metabolism and mechanism of action in human body, effects, as well as some information on drug testing. The extraction is a method of obtaining codeine and other opioids from combination drugs. You can also find out how to mask the bitter taste, how to obtain the powder, convert it to free base , and other information. You should know how to Deal with Side Effects that you may sometimes experience while using opioids, you will also learn how to deal with eventual overdoses. Dependency and tolerance are also the things you should be aware of. Read the MedLine articles for detailed professional information on featured opiates. Read about reported toxic and lethal doses (including Material Safety Data Sheets) of miscellaneous substances in Toxicology and MSDS. You should find out what Pharmaceuticals contain opiates in your country. If you're an Australian resident, you will benefit from the extensive list of Australian Pharmaceuticals. You may also read on what Other Drugs can be included in opioid medicines. Check out the opiate-related pictures, screensavers and games in the Extras. You can sign up for the free and confidential email address. If you feel lost, the Site Map will help you find the right direction. Hopefully... You can also chat with other visitors of this site, take part in a discussion on drugs, or visit other places listed in the Links. |
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... and to anyone who I forgot to mention here. StatisticsThis website was established on 22/01/2001. The number of visitors it attracted so far is displayed below. Click on the Site Meter logo to display detailed statistics.